Hi, I am Faizal Anwar

Welcome to my personal website.. I am a web programmer and ordinary employees. In my free time, I like developing side projects and learning new technologies.

This is my place for mobile thoughts, reflections & everything  in between. Have a good read!



Faizal Anwar

Full Stack Developer

npx faizalanwar

Hi. I'm Faizal 👋, but you can call me Isal(read: e'sal) , 22 years old a 👨‍💻 Fullstack Engineer, living in West Java, Indonesia. I’m currently learning about Design thinking and write a program with JavaScript and PhP . I love open source development and share on my GitHub profile🚶.

P.S. To read this intro on terminal, just run npx faizalanwar. But why? -- why not? 🤷🏻‍♂️


Github statistics  


faizalanwar's github statsfaizalanwar's github stats

faizalanwar's github statsfaizalanwar's github stats

Want to build like this ?

clone this repo npm install && npm update

Publishing to npm

  • Register an account at npmjs.com if you don’t have one.

  • Add a user to your CLI by running npm adduser.

  • Provide the username and password you used to register the npm account.

  • Go to package.json and add following lines if it doesn't exist :

    "bin": { "your-package-name": "./index.js" }

  • Publish the package. npm publish --access=public

  • And to push the updates to npm: npm publish

🎁 Thanks for checking my profile. I got something for you - Flexbox-Guide ⚡ A Guide for the concept of CSS Flexbox, Responsive Design and Simply CSS code Generator. 🎉 by souravdev777