Hi, I am Faizal Anwar
Welcome to my personal website.. I am a web programmer and ordinary employees. In my free time, I like developing side projects and learning new technologies.
This is my place for mobile thoughts, reflections & everything in between. Have a good read!
This is my place for desktop thoughts, reflections & everything in between. Have a good read!
npx faizalanwar
Hi. I'm Faizal 👋, but you can call me Isal(read: e'sal) , 22 years old a 👨💻 Fullstack Engineer
, living in West Java, Indonesia. I’m currently learning about Design thinking and write a program with JavaScript and PhP . I love open source development and share on my GitHub profile🚶.
P.S. To read this intro on terminal, just run
npx faizalanwar
. But why? -- why not? 🤷🏻♂️
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clone this repo npm install && npm update
Publishing to npm
Register an account at npmjs.com if you don’t have one.
Add a user to your CLI by running
npm adduser.
Provide the username and password you used to register the npm account.
Go to package.json and add following lines if it doesn't exist :
"bin": { "your-package-name": "./index.js" }
Publish the package.
npm publish --access=public
And to push the updates to npm:
npm publish
🎁 Thanks for checking my profile. I got something for you - Flexbox-Guide ⚡ A Guide for the concept of CSS Flexbox
, Responsive Design
and Simply CSS code Generator
. 🎉 by souravdev777